Avery Reyna
I'm a Software Engineer working on data quality management at Capital One. Before that, I researched human-computer interaction and computational social science with supervision from Pamela Wisniewski and Jonathan Powell. I also dove into collaborations with teams improving developer experience at ActBlue, building predictive models at Swing Left, and researching technology policy at New America.
Recent Publications
Help Supporters: Exploring the Design Space of Assistive Technologies to Support Face-to-Face Help Between Blind and Sighted Strangers
CHI 2024
Understanding Blind and Low Vision Users' Attitudes Towards Spatial Interactions in Desktop Screen Readers
My undergraduate journey was a wild ride through a carnival of disciplines. This voyage didn't just fill my brain, but ignited my passion for interdisciplinary research. Below is the work I did connecting dots between seemingly unrelated fields:
- Vaccination Efforts
- Integrated Data
- Reflecting on Coup Risk
- Digital Public Infrastructure
- Anti-Coup Strategies
- Limits of Quantitative Research
- Digital Transformation
- Artificial Intelligence
- GitHub
- Google Scholar
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